Viikskangas, Rovaniemi
Viikskangas, located in Rovaniemi, is a partially drained site in a marshy area, which, due to its location, is ideally suited as a breeding area for mallard, wood goose and aspen after restoration.

The Sotka wetlands restoration contract, to be implemented in late 2022, will see the construction of embankments with flow control devices and the cultivation of the embankments with suitable hay mixtures. The landowner will voluntarily set aside the area for hunting, so that the area will also serve as an undisturbed feeding and resting area during the hunting season.
The funds raised through the Foundation for Vikskakana were channelled as part of the wetland agreement with Sotka Wetlands to support the landowners’ co-payment, including the cost of dam equipment and machinery.
Photos of Viikskangas before and after