
In accordance with its objectives, the Finnish Game Foundation directs the funds raised to concrete habitat restoration and game management work and game research in various forms. Below you will find currently active fundraising projects and previous projects.

Ongoing projects

Restoration of peat production areas in North Ostrobothnia and Kainuu 2024-2026

The Finnish Game Foundation has launched a project to restore disused peat production areas back to natural marsh and wetland habitats in North Ostrobothnia and Kainuu.

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Previous projects

Viikskangas, Rovaniemi

Viikskangas, located in Rovaniemi, is a partially drained site in a marshy area, which, due to its location, is ideally suited as a breeding area for mallard, wood goose and aspen after restoration.


Vitmossen, Vöyri

As well as providing a resting place, the Vöyri field meadow will also serve as an excellent breeding habitat.


The widgeon research

The GPS tracking of widgeon provides important additional information on the origin, migration routes and habitats of the widgeon found in our country. Our fundraising started 17.3.2022. Get involved!


Leväjänkkä, Tornio

The wetland site in Tornio provides an excellent breeding habitat and resting area for our birds, from waders to widgeon.


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Mareca penelope

Once abundant, the widgeon population has declined over the last few decades, with the decline of grazing livestock and the loss of traditional waterfront meadows. Favourable habitats are key to the success of one of the most important game ducks, both as breeding areas and as foraging grounds.

Bean goose

Taiga bean goose

Anser fabalis fabalis

The taiga bean goose, a subspecies of bean goose that breeds in Finland, nests in the vast northern bogs and marshes. Over the years, they have declined due to both significant mortality and habitat loss. The restoration of the lowlands, which are vital for the bean goose, will ensure a viable population in the future.

Northern pintail

Northern pintail

Anas acuta

Ninety-five per cent of the breeding pintails in the European Union breed in Finland. In Finland, pintails thrive in the northern lowlands and on the shores and archipelago of the Bothnian Sea. As is the case with many other waterfowl, the population of pintail has declined sharply in recent decades, probably due to changes in breeding habitats.